here we come

I now have an ASP.NET environment setup and ready to go and the will to use it. Depending on how it goes I’ll try and post any thoughts as I go. In particularly related to how I get on with good standards markup.

I can knock together whatever I want in PHP reasonably well and with my new job focusing on CSS and XHTML amongst other related bits, and working at .NET shop I thought I now have a reason to play.

more from @media

With all the goings on off the back of @media its pretty hard to keep up. Many of the ideas that where discussed seem to be taking hold and coming into the world and lots of sites have had some recdent TLC. Anyway, here goes with a few observations.

Simplified Standards Simplifiedstandards ( looks like a great idea. A few people where discussing a central repository for concensus on issues of web standards application in the real world and this aims to be just that. Simon Collison of is bringing everything together as far as I can see.

Everyones thoughts Faruk AteÅŸ appears to have spent every day since getting back compiling a list of what anyone anywhere said about the event. Its a great idea and makes finding peoples thoughts easier but I wonder if their would be an easy way of doing this (like pinging a web service with any new articles?) without one guy doing all the work? Look for everyones comments at

Designersinhouse One guy I did meet at the conference was Matt Patterson who has set up a small (but radidly growing) mainling list over at aimed at designers working within larger organisations. One thing I took away from the conference was the large number of people working outside service or agency environments.

And that is just some of the goings on. A good amount of discussion going on around the level of legislation needed to govern accessibility doing the rounds, the ATF (Accessibility TaskForce) from WaSP just starting up with several of the speakers on board and god knows what else. Oh, and I still haven’t done a zoom layout but I did add some word completion to the search box!


I’ve just install the ShortStat package from and the Mac OS X widget from to go along with it. My desktop now tells me how few people are visiting my site!

It’s the first really useful widget I can see myself using for more than pure eye candy.

And ShortStat itself seems to be a very nice addition. Simple to set up and the output is nice and clear.

To both the people visiting the site – dont worry I wont use your browsing habits for anything other than improving the site!

DOM Scripting. Its the future?

It’s official. It’s DOM Scripting.

I’m reading the DHTML Utopia book at the moment (excellent so far) and following on from @Media it does seem to be where it’s at, at least for a little while.

The discussion of naming raised it’s head and I kind of agree – AJAX has buzz word written all over it. Read the full article at following on from the Javascript get together after @media (darn train tickets).

If CSS is too much for designery types just wait… CSS, without its programmatic concepts (variables? arrays? etc.) is one thing but Javascript is, lets remember, an Object Orientated scripting language. Interesting to see who ends up doing this sort of work in small companies with limited people.

Th_nking about a move

Sorry for the title. As a few people already know I’m moving jobs at the end of the month to Th\_nk. Basically to do more web design with the emphasis on XHTML, CSS and the like.

I’m not going to go on about it as I’m trying to stick to issues on here about web stuff rather than about me but thought it worth a post.

@media 2005

Wow. I’m still pretty wired after two days of conference and several late nights but boy was it worth the effort and more.

First I just want to say a big thanks to Patrick ( for organising the event and to all the speakers and attendees I spoke to.

I must mention Molly Holzschlag ( individually for being amazing thought. Thanks for the beer.

I’ll hopefully get something more useful up here with more salient points over the next couple of weeks but for the moment I just want to say it was an inspirational couple of days, and make sure to watch the blogs of the speakers for real indepth stuff (rather than just awe).


I’ve of late been playing around with a number of different ways of storing bookmarks after realising I was just not bothering before. I added links to the site a bit ago and I’ve just come across Scuttle ( which is a GPL PHP clone which is really quite nice.

I’ve set it up at the moment on one of my machines and might look to add a styled and modified version to this site as time and inclination allow.

Ruby on Rails

After much going backwards and forwards I finally sat down and had a protracted play with Ruby on Rails and so far I have to say I’m impressed.

Installation was simple enought and I got it running on both mac and linux hardware pretty easily, always a bonus, and I have vim set up to play with ERuby syntax.

I had dabbled previously with Ruby and coming from PHP the syntax is fairly self explanatory (remember end not }).But ActiveRecord in particular seems just great.

I’m going through the Four days on Rails tutorials at the moment so should have something more insightful to say in a week or so (I dont actually have four days in a row to just do this really).

palm posts

I’m in the process of setting up the site so I can post from my Palm Tungsten T5. The image appearing here, of the device in question, will appear now for any posts I make from it when I’m out and about. How often this will be is anyones guess but I’m heading to @media in London soon so maybe some updates from there?

new site updates

Right. I’ve nearly finished adding all the bits to this site that I liked about previous things I had up and rebuilding around all the things I disliked. So here’s to some new projects on the horizon.

The plan is to document and upload thoughts and anything of interest on my programming things I’m up to. I’m at the moment pondering C\# and ASP.NET (Mono), Ruby on Rails and maybe something (Python?) to do with my Palm device. Like I have that much time!