March madness
Feb 17, 2013 · 1 minute readWith only a week or so to go before the end of February, it’s looking like March might be a little busy.
- I’m speaking at QCon, in London on Wednesday 6th on Clouds in Government - Perils of Portability (which in hindsight is probably the silliest title for a talk I’ve ever used)
- On the 15th and 16th of March I’ll be at Devopsdays, again in London. I’ve been helping out with organising the event and I’m very much looking forward to going along after seeing all the work being put in.
- And last but not least I’m heading to Boston for the rather exciting Monitorama from the 26th until the 30th. Looking forward to meeting up in person with quite a few folks I’ve spoken to over the last year or two.
If you’re going to be at any of these events (QCon and Devopsdays still have tickets available I think) then let me know.