Generating Charts using Google Charts API

I had need recently to produce some nice looking charts and immediately turned to the very nice Google Charts API. Just before Christmas Brian had written up a great introduction on 24ways and ever since I’d been looking for an excuse.

Chris wrote up a pretty nice approach to enhancing well marked up data tables using the Charts API with a dash of Javascript and I decided to start with that. I made only a couple of changes to this approach based on personal requirements and preferences.

For a table like this:






I prefer to use the table header element to mark up the table row and the original script relied on these being td elements. A couple of changes to the javascript fixed that. I also decided to display the caption as a title on the resulting graph.

<table class="tochart">
    <th scope="row">Label</th>
    <th scope="row">Label</th>

The original script only supported the 3D pie charts and in a couple of cases I wanted to generate bar-charts from the data or flat pie-charts. A few modifications later and you can pass a type parameter into the script via a class on the table.

The default if the parameter isn’t set is the flat pie-chart, which can also be specified via:

<code><table class="tochart typep"></code>

For the 3D pie-chart:

<code><table class="tochart typep3"></code>

The horizontal bar-chart is created with:

<code><table class="tochart typebhg"></code>

And finally the vertical bar-chart is set based on:

<code><table class="tochart typebvg"></code>

The complete modified version of Chris’ script is below:

<code>(table2graph = function(){

  /* variables */
  var triggerClass = 'tochart';
  var chartClass = 'fromtable';
  var hideClass = 'hidden';
  var chartColor = 'FFCC33';
  var chartSize = '900x300';
  var chartType = 'p';

  var toTableClass = 'totable';
  var tableClass = 'generatedfromchart';
  /* end variables */

  var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
  var sizeCheck = /\s?size([^\s]+)/;
  var colCheck = /\s?color([^\s]+)/;
  var typeCheck = /\s?type([^\s]+)/;
  for(var i=0;tables[i];i++){
    var t = tables[i];
    var c = t.className;
    var data = [];
    var labels = []
    if(c.indexOf(triggerClass) !== -1){
      var size = sizeCheck.exec(c);
      size = size ? size[1] : chartSize;
      var col = colCheck.exec(c);
      col = col ? col[1] : chartColor;
      var type = typeCheck.exec(c);
      type = type ? type[1] : chartType;

      if (type == 'bhg') {
        var label = 'chxl=1:|';
      } else {
       var label = 'chl=';

      var caption = t.getElementsByTagName('caption')[0].innerHTML;
      var charturl = '' + type + '&chtt=' + caption + '&chxt=x,y&chco=' + col + '&chs=' + size + '&chd=t:';
      t.className += ' '+ hideClass;
      var ths = t.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].getElementsByTagName('th');
      var tds = t.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0].getElementsByTagName('td');
      for(var j=0;tds[j];j+=1){
      var chart = document.createElement('img');
      chart.setAttribute('src',charturl+data.join(',') + '&' + label + labels.join('|'));
      chart.className = chartClass;

  /* convert charts to tables */
  var charts = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
  for(var i=0;charts[i];i++){
    if(charts[i].className.indexOf(toTableClass) !== -1){
      var t = document.createElement('table');
      var tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
      var data = charts[i].getAttribute('src');
      var th,td,tr;
      var values = data.match(/chd=t:([^&]+)&?/)[1];
      var labels = data.match(/chl=([^&]+)&?/)[1];
      var l = labels.split('|');
      var v = values.split(',');
      for(var j=0;l[j];j++){
        tr = document.createElement('tr');
        th = document.createElement('th');
        td = document.createElement('td');
      t.className = tableClass;