Debug web pages with Jquery and Jash

I have a new toy I’m quite enamoured with. After a double helping of jQuery first from Jon Resig at @media Ajax and then from Simon Willison at barcamp I just had to take a look. My favourite part was probably Simon showing off his Insert jQuery bookmarklet - hacking around with the Google home page design on the firebug command line. The idea of having a command line to play around with any web page I come across appeals to my geekier side.

I spend more time in Safari than Firefox these days mainly as I find it feels snappier and is generally more stable. The only real downside is the lag of Firebug. A quick look at Firebug Lite revealed it doesn’t work in Safari but a little searching later I found Jash. The Insert jQuery and Insert Jash bookmarklets now have pride of place in my bookmark bar.

"Jquery and Jash bookmarklets running on Google"

So what to do with my new toy? Let’s hide all the paragraphs! (for no other reasons than we can).


So, redesign any web page you visit via a quick to access command line? What’s not to like?