Food 2.0
Dec 19, 2006 · 2 minute readI’m something of a want to be foodie. I’ve been a fan of food since working in a restaurant as a KP way back when I was at school. I like staying in and cooking, watching the odd food related progamme and going out to nice restaurants. However, I suddently realised it’s one of those things I dont yet do online. Most of the other things I do, or am interested in, I do at least in part online – except food.
So I set out to see what I could find. I’d signed up for Cork’d a while back after the buzz around the site in the web standards and Rails community. I’ve added a few wines and a few drinking buddies and keep thinking I should keep it up to date but…
A quick search threw up Chug’d, Menuism and Recipe matcher to name but a few – all complete with Web 2.0 cliches. But nothing that really made me want to sign up. I’m not looking for a food community really, more a useful tool to store food related tit bits. Recipes. Which wine goes with what and when the best time to get perculier beers might be. Like a food focused version of backpack maybe? A mobile interface, hey maybe even a Palm based data entry setup would top things off nicely.
Any other food people reading with a workflow that works? We’re always talking about software workflow or getting things done but what about something important like food!