@media in pictures
Jul 16, 2006 · 1 minute readI always take ages to get photos off my camera. It’s like the sort of delay you would get if you sent them off to be developed. Anyhow, I’ve finally sorted out my @media photos and uploaded a few to flickr. Have a look if you feel so inclined. I’ve included a few below, mainly because these ones made me chuckle:
A look of sheer horror if ever their was one from Patrick.
Is “Chris Wilson”: not the spitting image of He Man?
If this isn’t caption competition material I dont know what is. Norm was most definately the man that night.
Ah. The famous straw incident. Featuring Nic and an awful lot of straws.
And I’m still trying to decide what was funnier; the fact Patrick set up a bird bath in the middle of the pub, or the fact it took him and Meri quite a while with the instructions to put it together.
Some people have been saying that the socialising is getting in the way of the learning and sundry at these conferences. I’ve got to disagree. You just cant ignore the socialising, not when it’s this much fun. But that doesn’t mean the message doesn’t get drilled home too.