Music and Web Standards sitting in a tree

I’ve quite a music fan, I used to be more so but have been catching up recently with various bits and pieces. I tend to stick with more web centric posts on here but, while loading lots of music into iTunes I thought what the hell. I’ll touch on a few points of web goodness just in case.

I’ve noted quite a strong link between music and web standards style blogs for a while. Lots of end of year posts touched on music and simon even has his music monthlies My guess here is that the amount of time spent on the computer (both in and out of work) and a tendency to be male tends to lead to some musical interest or other. Having said that alot of the same bands seem to crop up as well. It seems to be lots of indie, newish brit popesque, garagish bands. Guitars. Men. That sort of thing.

A number of other instances spring to mind. A discussion a long while back on designersinhouse about listening to music at work, Jeremy Keith’s in a real band and visiting a certain Rock night after an accessify meetup with Patrick a few months back.

Where is all the music related web software produced by all of these people though? is nice and I keep meaning to get into it a little bit more than I have. iTunes and Amazon cater to most mainstream buying tastes but from very much a mainstream angle. I’d love to see, or get involved in, something that combines some of the cool aspects of flickr and et al with music. Time to come up with some ideas, or look around for interesting new sites me thinks.

Oh and while I’m at it the new music I’m listening to at the moment includes:

Sorry, the about the last bit. It’s quite cathartic listing my musical leanings on here. Not sure why but I’m in good company as already noted. What music, or music web tools, do you swear by? Please note that I reserve the right to edit posts which seem to advocate music I dont like. You probably know who you are.