How i came to love visio

I’m doing a lot more IA stuff of late and being in a Microsoft shop that meant getting to play with Visio. And I have to say it’s a great tool. It’s pretty simple to pick up, powerful, lots of options and customisations and even better – simple to get to grips with.

Quite a bit of work I’ve been doing has been around process and specification. I’d read The Elements of User Experience a while back but have been getting more into it recently, and the visual vocabulary stuff is excellent. Have a look on if your into this kind of planning. You can download Visio Shapes as well and then it’s just a matter of dragging, dropping and drawing arrows.

Another good resourse has been, a site I’ve read on occasion but found both more useful and more time to read recently. Documentation seems pretty key to getting projects working efficiently within team environments – and pictures say a thousand words (or something).