Python REST Client

I’m working on a small project involving using RESTful APIs and wanted a simple HTTP client, something that sat a little higher in the stack than httplib2 or similar. I turned initially to the Django Test Client which now supports all the required methods but it turned out that I’d have to unpick it from django a little.

With a little bit of looking around I found the python-rest-client which certainly sounded like it would do what I wanted. It lets you make HTTP requests in as straight forward a manner as possible and fitted the bill perfectly.

pre. from restful_lib import Connection conn = Connection(“") response = conn.request_get(“/”)

It supports authentication, nice helper methods and gives you the response in a nice format.

pre. conn = Connection(“", username=“XXX”, password=“XXX”) conn.request_delete(‘/items/11232344’)

As an added benefit it also comes with a Google App Engine compatible version.